Saturday, July 16, 2005

Discus Spec Sheet

Below is information on Discus, a member of the family Cichlidae. Although certainly not a complete reference guide, it will give those interested some background information on this exotic fish...

Symphysodon aequifasciatus (Discus)
Class: Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
Order: Perciformes (perch-like fish)
Family: Cichlidae
Scientific Name: Symphysodon aequifasciatus

Other Scientific Name(s): Symphysodon aequifasciata, Symphysodon discus aequifasciata, Symphysodon aequifasciatus aequifasciatus, Symphysodon discus tarzoo, Symphysodon aequifasciata axelrodi, Symphysodon aequifasciata haraldi

Common Name: Discus

Range: South America: Brazil, Peru. Found on Amazon and Solimoes rivers of Brazil, from the lower Rio Putumayo-Ica and from Benjamin Constant to Belém. Has been introduced to the Rio Nanay in Peru.

Diet: Carnivorous. Frozen foods preferred, but will accept flake foods. Particularly like red bloodworms, but feeding “live” food is not recommended. Red worms, etc, should only be fed to discus once every other day. Beware of parasites or bacteria in the discus tank from live foods!

Temperament: Timid of strangers. Easily frightened, unless placed in a high traffic area. Can be very friendly to aquarist, oft-times eating out of the hand. If given a place to hide, they will tend to do so.

Sexing: Discus are hard to sex unless breeding. Normally, the male will be larger, and will present with longer fin extensions and a wider forehead.

Breeding: Buy either proven pairs or a group of young fish and allow them to pair themselves. The eggs are laid on a breeding cone. A clay flowerpot turned upside down works well. The fry must be kept with the parents after hatch, as they “feed” off the body slime of the parents. Special care must be taken to insure that fry do not injure the parents when getting larger. Watch for marks on the body of the pair, and if it begins to occur, the fry are ready to be moved to a community tank on their own. If left w/ the pair, serious injury can result.

Special Care: If kept specifically for breeding, a bare-bottomed tank is highly recommended.

Other Comments: To keep Discus well, water conditions are absolutely crucial. A PH of 6.3 to 6.9 is the optimal level for keeping discus.
Water Temperature: Discus like it warm. They come from the Amazon basin, so water temps for these fish should be 80-84 degrees F, although some aquarists set the temperature as high as 90 degrees F.



Friday, July 15, 2005

Dispelling the Myth of Keeping Discus Fish in the Home Aquarium


Here is a great article by Alesia Benedict. It dscusses the care and keeping of Discus, and is very good news for those aquarists that have shied away from raising Discus because they think they are too hard to keep.



Thursday, July 14, 2005

Breeding by Effendy Thio

perfection discus

On our sister sight, Perfection Discus, run by my partner Nick Lockhart of Noblesville, Indiana, there is posted a great article on breeding Discus.

You might want to check it out...


Getting Rid of Parasites & Bacteria

All about Tropical Fish Discus Answered!

Overfeeding seems to cause more problems than under feeding. it is a little known fact that discus can go several days without feed, and that "fasting" them can be more beneficial than giving them too much to eat...



Wednesday, July 13, 2005

History, Varieties Available and Optimum Water Conditions

Max's Discus Page

This article is one in a series posted at Max's Discus Page. The articles, written by Max Pickering in 1986, are as relevant today as they were then.

In an ongoing effort to inform the discus breeder of the best content available, I humbly post Max's work here...


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Fish Tank Size

Fish Tank Size

If breeding/raising discus, you need to be very considerate of the tank size. discus require a lot of room!

This article will give you more information on tank size.


Fish Diseases

Tropical Fish Centre - Fish Diseases

Here is a table of diseases common to tropical fish, and a list of symptoms and treatments for them. good, practical stuff for the breeder and enjoyer of the hobby...


Monday, July 11, 2005

Methylene Blue Solution For Fungus Growth

Preparing Methylene Blue and Salt Solution

Methylene Blue is a good medication for fighting fungus growth is Discus fish. For the solution mixture, and application instructions, go here...


Plants for the Discus Tank

All about Tropical Fish Discus Answered!

Although many breeders us a bare-bottomed tank, a good show tank should include these plants. Discus like broad-leaved tanks to lay their eggs on. These are considered suitable...


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Information on Discus Food

Information on Discus Food

If you are interested in making your own discus food, here is a good article. Beef heart is good, but Nick has talked about using turkey heart. He also uses Flintstone multi-vitamins in making fish food.
